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At the vet my dog had collapsed. His pancreas was inflamed,
his stomach, lungs and heart too. He was about to die....

Two weeks before my dog almost died, they had given him Bravecto at his highest dose

J. Bennett, Santiago, Chili

A few days ago I run into the news about Bravecto and their side effects. I’m from Santiago, Chile. Here Bravecto is very famous and known as one of the best medications against fleas and ticks.

I have a Weimaraner, he is turning 1 year on Wednesday, so you could notice he is still a puppy.
Baco, my weimaraner, when he was just 9 months old, started to show unusual symptoms. Diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite, excessive salivation and dehydration. Because of this, I decided to take him to the vet, who recommended that I leave him under observation for a couple of days.

A few hours later they called me from the vet to let me know that my dog had collapsed. His pancreas was inflamed, his stomach, lungs and heart too. He was about to die.   >>>continue reading below the picture of Baco>>>

Nobody knew what was really going on...

When they managed to stabilize him, he was close to 10 days at the vet and nobody knew what was really happening to him. We did a lot of tests and everything seemed normal, we did not find an explanation.

Then we realized that he couldn’t walk, he had difficulty standing up and moving his back legs.
Today my weimaraner walks and is relatively healthy, but still has difficulty running or climbing stairs. Finally, we could never know what happened to him.

When I came to this page (Facebook "is bravecto safe") and everything made sense to me. Two weeks before my dog almost died, they had given him Bravecto at his highest dose.

I hope to deliver this information here in Chile, since there are many people who choose to give Bravecto to their dogs and not knowing the risk they run. I leave some photos of Baco, who now, fortunately, is happy and healthy, but almost didn’t make it.

(first published 12 februari 2018)

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