Alfie didn't want the flea treatment, and kept spitting it out even though I put it in with meat.
My poor puppy "Alfie" had fleas and was quite uncomfortable from the fleas, so I didn't want him to deal with that.
He didn't want the Bravecto flea treatment and kept spitting it out even though I put it with meat. I eventually got him to eat the whole tablet but he broke out in terrible hives within 2 days and then quietly went downhill over the last four weeks.
He would get better then seem really tired. This week he got jaundice and was vomiting everywhere. We had to put him down as he was so sick and suffering and in so much pain. He was completely fine before he took the flea treatment.
Our hearts are broken and we were not told that Bravecto could cause liver failure or seizures. Alfie was such a gift to us, and because I ignorantly trusted that the vets would let me know any risks rather than trusting my own dogs instinct, he is now gone.
He was the most incredible dog who was adored by everyone who met him. They do not list these side effects on the leaflet in the box. This is grossly negligent and we are left to live with the consequences of their unethical marketing.
Anna McLoughlin,
New Zealand