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Our young dog "Boet", a young and healthy cross breed

Labrador x Berner Sennen died after Bravecto

The vet thought it was poisoning, but couldn't find anything. Upon admission at the vet practice they asked whether he had recently been treated for fleas. Indicated that he had had a tablet for that purpose. (prescribed by the same practice). They gave no response to this.

Photo: dog Boet, owner Olga

At the vet practice they asked whether he had recently been treated for fleas

My dog Boet, 1.5 years old, a healthy Labrador/Berner Sennen cross breed, received a Bravecto tablet on May 10, 2023. Prescribed by the vet. I asked for tick and flea drops, but they gave the tablet because it was very useful...

On May 20, he suddenly became critically ill. Foaming from the mouth, violent shaking, kind of spasms, could no longer walk, panicky. We went to the vet. Poisoning was suspected. The vet checked everything in that area but couldn't find anything.

Upon admission at the vet practice they asked whether he had recently been treated for fleas. I indicated that he had had a tablet for that purpose. (prescribed by the same practice) They gave no response to this, so I didn't think about it any further.

High temperature

Boet was given sleeping medication and blood tests and was then transferred to the hospital. Treated there with intra lipid which could work well in case of poisoning. He did not respond to this. He was given a lot of medication but kept breaking through with severe tremors and convulsions. As a result, he developed a very high temperature.

The next day he was treated for epilepsy, although the symptoms were not typical for it, but it was an emergency measure. Lab values were not very different. Lymphocytes somewhat increased, potassium somewhat decreased.

Boet died within 24 hours of admission

That night we had to put him to sleep. It happened to him within 24 hours of admission. Only later, when I read something about a flea tablet, did I start searching on the internet and then I discovered the story about Bravecto.

 I hoped he hadn't had that, but that turned out to be the case. If I had known this earlier I would certainly have had an autopsy performed, but it is too late for that now. I know there's nothing to prove, but it's clear to me.

Olga, owner of Boet

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