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Fireworks on New Years' Eve - A disaster for pets... These suggestions will make it a little more bearable for your pet

For many pets, the time around New Year's Eve is truly a terrible time. Fortunately, more and more people are in favor of abolishing this habit altogether...

Fear of fireworks: Avoid all the risks
Although more and more people share the opinion that fireworks should be banned, unfortunately many pets will suffer from them again this New Years' Eve. And that certainly also applies to a lot of wild animals (birds etc.). The loud noises, the flashes of light and the powder fumes can cause fear in our pets, sometimes with long-lasting effects. The most ideal situation is to train well in advance - at least three months in advance - but you can also do something for your pet around New Year's Eve.

The Behavioral Clinic for Animals of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has listed a number of tips for you to make the fireworks violence a bit more bearable for your pet. We have added a few more tips.
What can you do to give your pet a calmer New Year's Eve?

There is a lot you can do yourself to make New Year's Eve easier for your pet. This starts with good preparation:

1.    Let your dog out extra long during the day (in a quiet location, for example in nature, where no fireworks are set off yet), so that the dog is nice and tired.

2.    Give your pet plenty of distraction. Start doing this in the afternoon, well before the fireworks start: for example with a chew stick, feeding games (for many animal species on the market, such as a Kong®), exercise games for cats.

3.   Close the curtains on time, so your pet cannot see the fireworks.

4.   Put on the radio or the television (note that there are no programs on it with loud noises).

5.   Let your animal choose a quiet spot for itself and make it extra comfortable with a nice pillow or dog bed.

6.   Try to stay calm yourself as much as possible and just keep doing what you were doing, even if the fireworks are popping outside.

7.   Make sure you support your animal, but avoid teaching fear behavior. How do you do that? You already support your animal by distracting it preventively and playing together, or simply by being there. For example, if your dog chooses to sit next to you by the TV during the fireworks, just let him sit, but do not pet him extensively and speak calming when he is shaking with fear.

8.   Reward good behavior. In case of desired behavior - if the animal is relaxed and does not show any fear behavior - you reward the animal and give him / her extra attention or distract him by means of play or tasty food.

9.   Important: Go out for the walk in time (!) - Make sure your dog has already pooped at the end of the afternoon or the beginning of the evening, so that you only have to let your pet urinate later in the evening. This significantly reduces the risk of very unpleasant experiences with fireworks.

10.   Make sure that your dog or cat cannot slip out the door if you are not paying attention. A pet that is anxious will try to flee. But what you certainly don't want is that he or she escapes in fear, with all the possible consequences.

11.  During New Year's Eve, let your dog out preferably only on a leash, and certainly don't let him / her run loose. One unexpected bang or flash of light can cause a startle reaction, causing your dog to run. And a fearful, fleeing dog certainly no longer listens to its owner. So don't let your dog run loose with New Year's Eve (even during the day!).

12.  Do not give your pet any human sedatives. Because what is suitable for humans can be downright toxic to your dog or cat. Please note: Many tranquilizers intended for animals are also controversial, and definitely not without risk.

And finally, a word of caution: BEWARE OF GIVING "CALMING MEDICATION" to your dog or cat, as advised by your vet. There are a number of remedies that are recommended that appear to suppress the anxiety, but actually only relieve the symptoms. Your pet no longer seems anxious, but it still is, but can no longer express this on its own. Therefore, inform yourself well from various sources about these types of products before you choose.

We wish you a safe, and wonderful New Years' Eve
and a healthy and happy New Year 2021!

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